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Specialists in whole class music teaching and whole school
music-making in primary schools

Dragon of the North is a leading company for music in education in Hertfordshire and the surrounding area. Uniquely, we employ professional musicians who specialise in the whole class teaching of music and whole school music making. We often provide this through PPA cover.

Dragon of the North will showcase music in your school and provide clear testimony to the school’s commitment to a broad curriculum, to the arts and to creativity.

The Dragon of the North syllabus and methods comfortably include - and always exceed - the requirements of the National Curriculum programmes of study. Students who are taught consistently by Dragon of the North teachers make excellent progress and exceed national expectations.

We will help to ensure that you meet the Ofsted criteria for good and outstanding schools, which look for a ‘broad and balanced curriculum that inspires pupils to learn’, with ‘a range of subjects and courses that help pupils to acquire knowledge, understanding and skills in all aspects of their education, including the humanities and linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technical, social, physical and artistic learning’.

Year 2

Dragon of the North employs high-quality professional musicians who regularly perform both in the UK and internationally, and who have an in-depth understanding of music-making and the music business. 

Dragon of the North teachers receive regular training to ensure that the company's high standards, and its ambitions for children's musical education are consistently met, every week, in every class. 

Our mission
Our mission

Dragon of the North's mission is to offer young people the fundamental elements, the creativity and the joy of music. In-depth yet fun, varied yet with step-by-step progression, our unique syllabus covers motor skills and coordination, exploring rhythm through movement, singing, instrumental skills, choir and band musicianship, repertoire, improvisation and composition. 

Essentially we have a dual approach. First, for students to experience and respond to different musical ‘ingredients’ using voice and body, developing key skills. Second, to hone these key skills in student-led creative projects, using whatever instruments are available.

We believe in experience before theory, and in doing before understanding. Our aim is to empower all children, whatever their age or level of musical skill, to explore the different ingredients used in music-making so that they can experience the sheer joy of making music together.

We frequently incorporate school choirs, orchestras or bands into whole school music assemblies. Our approach can knit together all forms of music-making going on in your school, meeting one of the prime Ofsted criteria for excellence in music.


Please contact us using the form below, or give us a call on: 07908 905785

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