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Why music?

Music is a unique subject and makes a strong contribution to life-long enjoyment and learning:


It is a performance subject, creative in all of its aspects, with a strong underlying academic discipline;

It enhances spiritual, moral, social and cultural, development;

Its impact on achievement in other subjects has been well-researched;

It is cross-cultural, and allows pupils to explore other cultural traditions;

Its emphasis on group performance - from a duet to full choirs and orchestras -

promotes co-operation and social cohesion;

It also offers individual performance, providing opportunities for individual excellence;

It is truly inclusive, in that all pupils can learn music and participate in music-making;

It is enduring - one of the few subjects which, through the vast range of opportunities for music-making

at amateur and professional levels, gives a lifetime of learning, pleasure and fulfilment.


Pupils have a statutory entitlement to a high quality education in music


Many teachers lack the skills, knowledge and confidence to teach music.  Too often, music is neglected, or replaced by karaoke-style singing to pre-recorded material.  This can of course be enjoyable, but does not constitute an education in music. Schools seeking to achieve or to maintain a good or outstanding evaluation by Ofsted will need to demonstrate their commitment to the arts, and to the breadth of the curriculum.

Music can be integrated throughout the school day, and we pride ourselves on bringing it into numerous areas in schools. For example:


       Whole class music lessons, often through PPA cover;

       Specialist music assemblies;

       Accompaniment to songs played by the children themselves, as opposed to using backing tracks;

       Termly concerts;

       Lunchtime clubs;

       Integration of outside instrumental tuition in school music classes;

       Cross-curricular links, for example with maths and literacy.

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